Roadside views, Bla, Mali. Currently in Mali with @wateraid shooting a documentary about their work here. #westafrica #mali #freelance #documentary #wateraid






Since 2019 I have been a freelancer working across news and documentaries in numerous roles. The pandemic has cut back my travel so much of the work since 2020 has been remote. This has enabled me to experiment with storytelling techniques to illustrate visually difficult narratives using animation and archive.

Shortly after leaving university I began freelancer as a video journalist and filmmaker, initially covering the refugee crisis in 2015. I also worked in West Africa for a period in 2017.


Channel 4 News

I joined Channel 4 News as a full time staff member in 2017. After leaving that role I continue to regularly work as a freelancer there and over the years I have produced, shot and edited pieces for TV and online. Recently this includes a number of episodes for their Uncovered series.

Some samples of work here.



I joined Huffpost UK in 2018 as the DOP for their short lived Reports UK team. This was a newly created series of short documentaries which tackled some of the tough social issues facing the UK at the time - including food poverty, the housing crisis, modern slavery and Britain’s broken drug policy. I was able to shoot and produce a number of episodes and samples from that series can be found here.